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PEARL HPM-1184.jpg Pearl-lcd-Pack.jpeg

Pearl HPM1184 (PX-1184-675), Digitaler Bilderrahmen mit AX206 Chip

Samsung spf-87h.jpg

  • Samsung Displays
SPF-72H | SPF-75H | SPF-83H | SPF-85H | SPF-85P | SPF-87H | SPF-105P | SPF-107H | SPF-700T

Neue Methode:

Bilderrahmen patchen

Der pearl Birlderrahmen muss dazu erst gepatched werden.

Am einfachsten geht es am PC unter LInux bzw Linux in virtueller Umgebung

cd lcd4linux
cd ../src
sudo python /dev/sg0

vorher mit dmesg überprüfen auf welchem port das Gerät liegt , meisst sg0 oder sg1 Gerät anschliessen und Menue drücken und mit PC verbinden mit ja bestätigen

Wenn alles glatt gelaufen ist erscheint am Ende

Patching at offset 000002b9, chunk size 1
Read 503 bytes
Analyzing module 37...
Module already patched

Now disconnect the DPF from USB.
To activate the 'developer mode':

Press and hold MENU while USB is plugged in.
If successful, you will get the 'USB connect' message and the device
will appear as non-USB storage device

To put the device back into (almost) original state working
as USB storage, press the RESET button.

Wenn folgende Fehlermeldung kommt...

Opening generic SCSI device '/dev/sg2'
Reading flash...
]No DPF found. Create a record or look for one
('20090504', 'Mar 27 2010\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', 'ProcTbl5')[/CODE]
...muss noch die Datei angepasst werden.


[ ('20090504', 'Mar 26 2010\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', 'ProcTbl5' ),
{ },
[ 0, 0x200000, patch_320x240 ]


[ ('20090504', 'Mar 27 2010\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', 'ProcTbl5' ),
{ },
[ 0, 0x200000, patch_320x240 ]

Neuer Versuch, hier wird es auch als Perl-Display erkannt:

Patching at offset 000002b9, chunk size 1
Read 503 bytes
Analyzing module 37...
Module already patched

Now disconnect the DPF from USB.
To activate the 'developer mode':

Press and hold MENU while USB is plugged in.
If successful, you will get the 'USB connect' message and the device
will appear as non-USB storage device

To put the device back into (almost) original state working
as USB storage, press the RESET button.

Jetzt das DPF abstecken und wieder an der Fritzbox anstecken. In den Developer-Mode gehen (Menü-Taste länger gedrückt halten).

T:  Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#= 14 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=1908 ProdID=0102 Rev= 2.00
S:  Manufacturer=hackfin
S:  Product=USB-Display
S:  SerialNumber=0000
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=200mA
I:  If#= 0 alt=" 0" #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=usbfs
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms
E:  Ad=01(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=0ms

Hinweis: Das Gerät kann durch einfaches Reset wieder auf Werkseinstellungen zurück gesetzt werden

Links : [url][/url]


Lcd4linux muß natürlich für die antsprechende Architektur mit DPF-Support gebaut werden.

LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-1158
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The LCD4Linux Team <[email protected]>

available display drivers:
   DPF                 : generic hacked photo frame
   Image               : PNG

available plugins:
  cfg, math, string, test, time, apm, asterisk, button_exec, cpuinfo, diskstats, dvb, exec, event, fifo, file, hddtemp, huawei, i2c_sensors, imon, isdn, kvv, loadavg, meminfo, netdev, pop3, ppp, proc_stat, sample, seti, statfs, uname, uptime, w1retap, wireless, xmms

Dann die Binary und config auf den USB-Stick kopieren.


Selbst wenn das lcd4linux schon auf bzw an der Box ist, läuft es noch lange nicht *gg*. Die lcd4linux.conf sollte außerdem Permissions 600 haben , also chmod 600


 */2 * * * * for i in ds_attenuation ds_margin dsl_ds_rate dsl_us_rate ds_attainable us_attainable ds_delay modem_ShowtimeSecs; do ctlmgr_ctl r sar status/$i > /var/tmp/$i; done
 5 * * * * ctlmgr_ctl r sar status/StatMinSNR | tr ',' '\n'|awk '{ i=i+1; printf("\%05d \%s\n", i,$0); }' | sort -r | cut -b 7- > /var/tmp/StatMinSNR
 */5 * * * * ctlmgr_ctl r sar status/StatCRC | tr ',' '\n' > /var/tmp/StatCRC
 */5 * * * * ctlmgr_ctl r sar status/StatVolume | tr ',' '\n' > /var/tmp/StatVolume
 15 23 * * * cp /var/tmp/onlinezeiten /var/media/ftp/uStor01; tail /var/tmp/onlinezeiten > /var/tmp/onlinezeiten2

StatMinSNR ist hier mal mit Sortierung gemacht, braucht man nicht wirklich wenn man in der lcd4linux.conf die Reihenfolge der Zeilen berücksichtigt (aktuellster Wert ist letzte Zeile) und die aktuellen Werte mit tail unten abfischt. Einfacher scheint es nicht zu gehen mit Sortieren, da alles nur busybox ist und nicht die vollen Optionen der Originaltools zur Verfügung stehen. Viele werden sich fragen, "warum nicht alles via dem exec-plugin von lcd4linux?" - ganz einfach: die 7170 ist da viel zu Leistungssschwach für (CPU und auch RAM)


#Display 'Image'                                                                                                       
Display 'dpf'                                                                                                          

Variables {                                                                                                                                             
# update-zeiten
    tick 2000                                                                                 
    tack 500                                                                                  
    minute 60000                                                                                 
    _10min 600000                                                                                                                                                                            
    stunde 3600000                                                                                                                                      
# farbdefinitionen
	gn '22ff22'
	rt 'ff9999'
	bl '5f5fff'
	hbl '9999ff'
	rtbusy 'ff6060'
	gnbusy '227722'

# farbensettings
#	C_SNRBar	bl
#	C_SNRBarNow	hbl
#	C_CRCBar
#	C_CRCBarNow
C_Busy 'ff6060'
C_BusyBG '227722'
C_OnBar '777777'
C_OnBarNow '999999'
Display Image {
    Driver     'Image'
    Format     'PNG'
    Size       '320x240'
    Pixel      '1+0'
    Gap        '0x0' 
    Font       '8x10'
    Foreground 'ffffff'
    Background '000000'
    Basecolor  '000000'

Display dpf {
  Driver     'DPF'                                                                                 
  Port       'usb0'                                                                                                       
# Font       '6x8'
 Font       '8x10'
  Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                          
  Background '222222'                                                                                
  Basecolor  '222222'                                                                                

Widget RAM {
    class  'Text'
    expression  meminfo('MemFree')
    prefix 'RAM '
    postfix 'k'
    precision 0
    width 10 
    align  'L'
    update tack
    Background '225522'

Widget dslspeed {                                                                               
    class 'Text'                                                                           
    expression 'Dn/Up '.file::readline('/var/tmp/dsl_ds_rate', 1).' / '.file::readline('/var/tmp/dsl_us_rate', 1).'kBit'
    width 39                                                                                                
    align 'L'
    update minute

Widget IPaddy {                                           
    class 'Text'                                                                                                       
    expression exec('get_ip', 60000)
#expression ''
    width 15                                                
    align 'L'                                                                                          
    update minute                                                                                

Widget ltg {             
    class 'Text'                             
    expression file::readline('/var/tmp/ds_attainable', 1).' / '.file::readline('/var/tmp/us_attainable', 1).'kBit   LD '.file::readline('/var/tmp/ds_attenuation', 1).' dB'
    Prefix 'Ltng. '
    width 35                                                                                                           
    align 'L'                                                                                                          
    update minute

Widget BusyText {
    class 'Text'
    prefix 'CPU            Load '
    expression loadavg(1)
    align 'L'
    width 23
    precision 1
    Foreground 'ffffff'
    Background 'ffffff00'
    update tick

Widget BusyBar {
    class 'Bar'
    expression  proc_stat::cpu('busy',   500)
#    expression 30
    length 10
    max 100
    direction 'E'
    update tick
    style 'H'
    Foreground C_Busy
    Background C_BusyBG
    BarColor0 C_Busy
    BarColor1 C_Busy

Widget SNRBar1 {                              
    class 'Bar'                              
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 1)                                      
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 2)
    max 15           
    length 5            
    direction 'N'      
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                                                                                       
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'
Widget SNRBar2 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                                        
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 3)                                               
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 4)                                                                    
    max 15                                               
    length 5                                             
    direction 'N'                                        
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                      
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                   

Widget SNRBar3 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                              
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 5) 
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 6)
    max 15               
    length 5           
    direction 'N'                                     
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                  
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                                                                                                  
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'   

Widget SNRBar4 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                              
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 7) 
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 8)
    max 15                                               
    length 5                                             
    direction 'N'                                        
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                  
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                                                                 

Widget SNRBar5 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                          
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 9) 
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 10)
    max 15                                               
    length 5                                                                                           
    direction 'N'                                        
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                  
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                   

Widget SNRBar6 {                              
    class 'Bar'        
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 11)
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 12)
    max 15                                                                                   
    length 5           
    direction 'N'        
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                  
    BarColor0 '5f5fff' 
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                                                                                       

Widget SNRBar7 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                              
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 13)
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 14)
    max 15                                                
    length 5                                              
    direction 'N'                                         
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                    
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                    
Widget SNRBar8 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                                        
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 15)                                              
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 16)                                             
    max 15                                                                                             
    length 5                                                                                           
    direction 'N'                                                                                      
    update _10min
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                                                                
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                                                                 
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                                                                                       

Widget SNRBar9 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                                        
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 17)                                              
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 18)                                             
    max 15                                                                                             
    length 5                                                                                           
    direction 'N'                                                                                      
    update _10min                                                                                      
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                                                                
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                                                                 
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                                                                                       

Widget SNRBar10 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                           
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 19) 
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 20)
    max 15                                                
    length 5                                              
    direction 'N'                                                                            
    update _10min                                          
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                    
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                    

Widget SNRBar11 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                           
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 21) 
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 22)
    max 15                                                
    length 5                                              
    direction 'N'                                                                            
    update _10min                                          
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                    
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                    
Widget SNRBar12 {                              
    class 'Bar'                                           
    expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 23) 
    expression2  file::readline('/var/tmp/StatMinSNR', 24)
    max 15                                                
    length 5                                              
    direction 'N'                                                                            
    update _10min                                         
    Foreground '5f5fff'                                   
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                    
    BarColor1 '5f5fff'                                    
Widget SNRBarNow {                              
    class 'Bar'                                           
        expression  file::readline('/var/tmp/ds_margin', 1)
        max 15                                               
        length 5                                              
        direction 'N'                                                                                
        update minute                                                                                                             
        style 'H'                                                 
        Foreground '9999ff'                                         
        BarColor0 '9999ff'                                  
        BarColor1 '9999ff'                                   

Widget wlanText {
    class 'Text'
    expression ((netdev::fast('tiwlan0', 'Rx_bytes', 1000) + netdev('tiwlan0', 'Tx_bytes', 1000))/1024)
#expression 2700
    prefix 'wlan '
    width 21
    precision 0
    align 'L'
    update tick
    Foreground 'ffffff'
    Background '00000000'

Widget adslText {                                         
    class 'Text'       
    expression ((netdev::fast('adsl', 'Rx_bytes', 1000) + netdev('adsl', 'Tx_bytes', 1000))/1024)                                                                                            
#    expression 2700                                                                          
    prefix 'adsl '
    width 21             
    precision 0                              
    align 'L'                                
    update tick                                                                              
    Foreground 'ffffff'                      
    Background '00000000'

Widget adslBar {
    class 'Bar'
    expression  (netdev::fast('adsl', 'Rx_bytes', 1000)/1024)
    expression2 (netdev::fast('adsl', 'Tx_bytes', 1000)/1024)
#    expression 1800                                                                          
#   expression2 900                                                                                                                                                        
    length 18
    direction 'E'
    update tack
    max 1800
    Foreground 'ffffff'
    Background '00000000'
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'

Widget wlanBar {                                                                                                                        
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                                         
    expression  (Display == 'dpf') ? (netdev::fast('tiwlan0', 'Rx_bytes', 1000)/1024) : '1800'
    expression2 (Display == 'dpf') ? (netdev::fast('tiwlan0', 'Tx_bytes', 1000)/1024) : '900'
#    expression 1800
#    expression2 900
    length 18                                                                               
    direction 'E'                                                                           
    update tack                                                                             
    max 1800
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                     
    Background '00000000'                                                                   
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                                                      
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                    

Widget lanBar {                                                                                    
    class 'Bar'                                                                                  
    expression  (netdev::fast('eth0', 'Tx_bytes', 1000)/1024)
    expression2 (netdev::fast('eth0', 'Rx_bytes', 1000)/1024)                                                                           
#        expression 1800                                                                               
#       expression2 900                                          
    length 37
    direction 'E'                                            
    update tack                                              
    max 1800                                                 
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                      
    Background '00000000'                                                                     
    BarColor0 '5f5fff'                                                                        
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                        

Widget lanText {                                                                                           
    class 'Text'                                                                                       
    expression ((netdev::fast('eth0', 'Rx_bytes', 1000) + netdev('eth0', 'Tx_bytes', 1000))/1024)
# expression 2700
    max 1800
    precision 0
    prefix 'LAN '                                                                                
    width 30                                                                                     
    align 'L'                                                                                  
    update tick                                                                                  
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                          
    Background 'FFFFFF00'                                                                        

Widget SNRBarTextOben {                                                
    class 'Text'                                                
    expression '15        _10000'
    width 13                                                                                     
    align 'L'                                                                                    
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                                                      
    Background 'FFFFFF00'                                    

Widget SNRWert {                                                                            
    class 'Text'                                                                                       
    expression file::readline('/var/tmp/ds_margin', 1).' dB'
    width 5                                             
    align 'R'                                                                                                                
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                              
    Background 'FFFFFF00'                                                                            

Widget SNRBarTextUnten {                                                                  
    class 'Text'                                                                                                       
    expression '0              _1'
    width 17                                                                
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                                                                                                                      
    Background '222222'
    update minute
Widget CRCNull {                                                                            
    class 'Text'                                                                                       
    expression a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 1);(a == 0 ? '_0' : '' )
    width 2                                             
    Foreground '22ff22'                                                                              
    Background '000000ff'                                                                            
    update minute
# ----------Online Bars------------------

Widget OnBar1 {                                                                                                                      
    class 'Bar'                                                                  
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 1),11))
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 2),11))
    max 5                                                                       
    length 5                                                                     
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update stunde                                                               
    Foreground C_OnBar
    BarColor0 C_OnBar                                                          
    BarColor1 C_OnBar                                                                                                               

Widget OnBar2 {                                                            
    class 'Bar'                                                            
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 3),11))
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 4),11))
    max 5                
    length 5                       
    direction 'N'                                       
    update stunde                                                                                
    Foreground C_OnBar
    BarColor0 C_OnBar                                      
    BarColor1 C_OnBar

Widget OnBar3 {                           
    class 'Bar'                                                                  
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 5),11))                   
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 6),11))                                                                             
    max 5                                                                       
    length 5                                                                   
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update stunde                                                               
    Foreground C_OnBar                                                         
    BarColor0 C_OnBar                                                           
    BarColor1 C_OnBar                                                           

Widget OnBar4 {                           
    class 'Bar'                                                                  
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 7),11))                   
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 8),11))                                                                             
    max 5                                                                       
    length 5                                                                   
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update stunde                                                               
    Foreground C_OnBar                                                         
    BarColor0 C_OnBar                                                         
    BarColor1 C_OnBar                                                           

Widget OnBar5 {                                                                               
    class 'Bar'                                                            
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 9),11))
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 10),11))
    max 5                                                                                                                                               
    length 5                                                               
    direction 'N'                                                          
    update stunde                                                          
    Foreground C_OnBar                                                    
    BarColor0 C_OnBar                                                     
    BarColor1 C_OnBar                                                     

Widget OnBar6 {                                                                               
    class 'Bar'                                                            
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 11),11))   
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 12),11))
    max 5                                                                                                                                               
    length 5                                                               
    direction 'N'                                                          
    update stunde                                                          
    Foreground C_OnBar
    BarColor0 C_OnBar                                                     
    BarColor1 C_OnBar                                                     

Widget OnBar7 {                                                                               
    class 'Bar'                                                            
    expression  log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 13),11))   
    expression2 log(substr(file::readline('/var/tmp/onlinezeiten2', 14),11))
    max 5                                                                                                                                               
    length 5                                                               
    direction 'N'                                                          
    update stunde                                                          
    style 'H'                                                                                                          
    Foreground C_OnBarNow                                                    
    BarColor0 C_OnBarNow                                                  
    BarColor1 C_OnBarNow                                                   

# ----------Online Bars Ende-------------
# ----------CRC Bars----------------------
Widget CRCBarNow {                                                               
    class 'Bar'                                                                
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 1);a == 1 ? '0.2' : log(a)
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 2);b == 1 ? '0.2' : log(b)
    max 5                                                                      
    length 5                                                                   
    direction 'N'                                                              
    update minute                                                              
    style 'H'
    Foreground 'ff9999'
    BarColor0 'ff9999'
    BarColor1 'ff9999'

Widget CRCBar1 {                                                
    class 'Bar'                                          
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 3);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 4);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)
    max 5                                                      
    length 5                                                                                     
    direction 'N'                                         
    update minute                                                                                      
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                       
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                      
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                   

Widget CRCBar2 {                                                                                 
    class 'Bar'                                                                               
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 5);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 6);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)
    max 5                                                                                        
    length 5                                                                                  
    direction 'N'                                                                                      
    update minute                                                                                      
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                                
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                 
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                 

Widget CRCBar3 {                                                                                 
    class 'Bar'                                                                               
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 7);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 8);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)
    max 5                                                                                        
    length 5                                                                                  
    direction 'N'                                                                                      
    update minute                                                                                      
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                                
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                 
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                 

Widget CRCBar4 {                                                                  
    class 'Bar'                                                                   
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 9);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)  
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 10);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)    
    max 5                                                                                    
    length 5                                                                      
    direction 'N'                                                                 
    update minute                                                                 
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                           
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                            
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                            

Widget CRCBar5 {                                                                  
    class 'Bar'                                                                   
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 11);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)  
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 12);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)    
    max 5                                                                                    
    length 5                                                                      
    direction 'N'                                                                 
    update minute                                                                 
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                           
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                            
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                            

Widget CRCBar6 {                                                                  
    class 'Bar'                                                                   
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 13);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)  
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 14);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)    
    max 5                                                                                    
    length 5                                                                      
    direction 'N'                                                                 
    update minute                                                                 
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                           
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                            
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                            

Widget CRCBar7 {                                                                                           
    class 'Bar'                                                                                            
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 15);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)                          
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 16);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)                            
    max 5                                                                                                  
    length 5                                                                                               
    direction 'N'                                                                                          
    update minute                                                                                          
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                                    
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     

Widget CRCBar8 {                                                                                           
    class 'Bar'                                                                                            
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 17);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)                          
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 18);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)                            
    max 5                                                                                                  
    length 5                                                                                               
    direction 'N'                                                                                          
    update minute                                                                                          
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                                    
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     

Widget CRCBar9 {                                                                                           
    class 'Bar'                                                                                            
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 19);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)                          
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 20);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)                            
    max 5                                                                                                  
    length 5                                                                                               
    direction 'N'                                                                                          
    update minute                                                                                          
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                                    
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     

Widget CRCBar10 {                                                                             
    class 'Bar'                                                                               
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 21);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 22);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)  
    max 5                                                                                                  
    length 5                                                                     
    direction 'N'                                                                
    update minute                                                                
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                         
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     

Widget CRCBar11 {                                                                             
    class 'Bar'                                                                               
    expression2  a=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 23);a == 0 ? '0.1' : log(a)
    expression b=file::readline('/var/tmp/StatCRC', 24);b == 0 ? '0.1' : log(b)  
    max 5                                                                                                  
    length 5                                                                     
    direction 'N'                                                                
    update minute                                                                
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                         
    BarColor0 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     
    BarColor1 'ff5f5f'                                                                                     
# ---------------------CRC Bars Ende--------------------------

Widget VolBarNow {                                                          
    class 'Bar'                                                             
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 1))
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 2))
#expression2 log(10)
#expression log(1000)
    max 3.8                                                                       
    length 4                                                                    
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update minute                                                               
    style 'H'                                                                   
    Foreground 'fdee00'                                                         
    BarColor0 'fdee00'                                                          
    BarColor1 'fdee00'                                                          
Widget VolBar1 {                                                                
    class 'Bar'                                                                                            
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 3))
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 4))
    max 3.8                                                                   
    length 4                                                                    
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update minute                                                               
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                         
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                          
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                           

Widget VolBar2 {                                                                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                                            
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 5))                                
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 6))                                  
    max 3.8                                                                                     
    length 4                                                                                  
    direction 'N'                                                                             
    update minute                                                                             
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                       
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                                        
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                           

Widget VolBar3 {                                                                              
    class 'Bar'                                                                                            
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 7))                                
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 8))                                  
    max 3.8                                                                                     
    length 4                                                                                  
    direction 'N'                                                                             
    update minute                                                                             
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                       
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                                        
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                           

Widget VolBar4 {                                                                
    class 'Bar'                                                               
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 9))                                
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 10))  
    max 3.8                                                   
    length 4                                                  
    direction 'N'                                                                
    update minute                                                              
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                          
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                        
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                                     

Widget VolBar5 {                                                                
    class 'Bar'                                                               
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 11))                                
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 12))  
    max 3.8                                                   
    length 4                                                
    direction 'N'                                                                
    update minute                                                              
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                          
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                        
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                                     

Widget VolBar6 {                                                                                                                      
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                                       
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 13))                                                                        
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 14))                                                                         
    max 3.8                                                                                                                             
    length 4                                                                                                                          
    direction 'N'                                                                                                                     
    update minute                                                                                                                     
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                                                               
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                
Widget VolBar7 {                                                                                                                      
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                                       
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 15))                                                                       
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 16))                                                                         
    max 3.8                                                                                                                           
    length 4                                                                                                                          
    direction 'N'                                                                                                                     
    update minute                                                                                                                     
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                                                               
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                

Widget VolBar8 {                 
    class 'Bar'           
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 17))
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 18))
    max 3.8                                                                        
    length 4                                                                   
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update minute                                                                                
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                     
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                       
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                           
Widget VolBar9 {                                                                
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                                       
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 19))
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 20))
    max 3.8                                                                      
    length 4                                                                   
    direction 'N'                                                               
    update minute                                                              
    Foreground 'ff7e00'
    BarColor0 'ff7e00' 
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                           
Widget VolBar10 {                                                                                                                      
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                                       
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 21))                                                                       
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 22))                                                                         
    max 3.8                                                                                                                           
    length 4                                                                                                                          
    direction 'N'                                                                                                                     
    update minute                                                                                                                     
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                                                               
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                
Widget VolBar11 {                                                                                                                      
    class 'Bar'                                                                                                                       
    expression2  log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 23))                                                                       
    expression log(file::readline('/var/tmp/StatVolume', 24))                                                                         
    max 3.8                                                                                                                           
    length 4                                                                                                                          
    direction 'N'                                                                                                                     
    update minute                                                                                                                     
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                                                                               
    BarColor0 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                
    BarColor1 'ff7e00'                                                                                                                

# ------------- Ende VolumeBars------------------------------

Widget SNRText {                                                                                                        
    class 'Text'                                                                                       
    expression '1d SNR Marge'           
    width 13
    Foreground '8888ff'                                             

Widget CRCText {                                         
    class 'Text'                                          
    expression 'CRC-Errors'                                    
    width 10
    Foreground 'ff5f5f'                                                                                                

Widget OnText {                                                                 
    class 'Text'                                                               
    expression 'Onlinezeit'                                                
    width 10                                                                    
    Foreground '999999'                                                       
Widget CRCBarTextMitte {
    class 'Text'                                             
    expression '_100'                                                                         
    width 4                                             
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                         

Widget CRCBarText10 {                                                                                                                                
    class 'Text'                                        
    expression '_10 Err/h'                                                           
    width 9                                                                   
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                        

Widget CRCBarText1000 {                                                                                                                                
    class 'Text'                                        
    expression '_1000'                                                           
    width 5                                                                   
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                        

Widget VolText1 {                                                            
    class 'Text'                                                               
    expression ' 7    MB/h'                                                            
    width 10                                                                    
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                        
    Background '00000000'

Widget VolText10 {                                          
    class 'Text'                                                                                 
    expression ' 0,24h  ___________ _70'                                                                                       
    width 23                                                                                                
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                       
    Background '00000000'

Widget VolText100 {                                          
    class 'Text'                                                                                 
    expression '_2,4h   ___________ _700'                                                                                       
    width 24                                                                                                
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                       
    Background '00000000'

Widget VolText1000 {                                          
    class 'Text'                                                                                 
    expression '_       ___________ _'                                                                                       
    width 21                                                                                                
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                       
    Background '00000000' 

Widget VolTextFull {                                                                                                   
    class 'Text'                                                                                                       
    expression '_24h    ___________ _7000'                                                                                       
    width 25                                                                                                           
    Foreground 'ffffff'                                                                                                
    Background '00000000'                                                                                                            

Widget VolBarText {                                                           
    class 'Text'                                                                                                       
    expression 'Traffic'                                               
    width 7                                                 
    Foreground 'ff7e00'                                                         
    Background '00000000'                                                       

Widget Uptime {
    class 'Text'
    expression uptime('%dd%H:%M').'       Online '.strftime('%H:%M',(time()-file::readline('/var/tmp/gone_online', 1)))
    width 31
    align 'L'
    prefix 'Up '
    update minute

Layout mylayout {
  Layer 0 {
    Row02.Col16 'BusyText'
    Row07.Col03 'wlanText'                                                                                                   
    Row07.Col25 'adslText'
    Row08.Col03 'lanText'
    Row10.Col30 'CRCBarText1000'
    Row11.Col30 'CRCBarTextMitte'
    Row12.Col30 'CRCBarText10'
    Row13.Col30 'CRCNull'
    Row10.Col09 'SNRWert'
    Row18.Col09 'VolText10'
    Row17.Col09 'VolText100'                                                                     
    Row16.Col09 'VolText1000'                                                 
    Row15.Col09 'VolTextFull'

# (Layer 1)  1. zeile oben frei
    Row02.Col02 'RAM'
    Row03.Col02 'ltg'
    Row04.Col02 'dslspeed'
    Row05.Col02 'IPaddy'
    Row02.Col19 'BusyBar'
    Row07.Col02 'wlanBar'
    Row07.Col21 'adslBar'
    Row08.Col02 'lanBar'
    Row09.Col15 'SNRBarTextOben'
    Row09.Col02 'SNRBar1'
    Row09.Col03 'SNRBar2' 
    Row09.Col04 'SNRBar3'
    Row09.Col05 'SNRBar4'
    Row09.Col06 'SNRBar5'
    Row09.Col07 'SNRBar6'
    Row09.Col08 'SNRBar7'
    Row09.Col09 'SNRBar8'
    Row09.Col10 'SNRBar9'
    Row09.Col11 'SNRBar10'
    Row09.Col12 'SNRBar11'
    Row09.Col13 'SNRBar12'
    Row09.Col14 'SNRBarNow'
    Row09.Col18 'CRCBar11'
    Row09.Col19 'CRCBar10'
    Row09.Col20 'CRCBar9'
    Row09.Col21 'CRCBar8'
    Row09.Col22 'CRCBar7'
    Row09.Col23 'CRCBar6'
    Row09.Col24 'CRCBar5'
    Row09.Col25 'CRCBar4'
    Row09.Col26 'CRCBar3' 
    Row09.Col27 'CRCBar2'                                                                              
    Row09.Col28 'CRCBar1'                                                                              
    Row09.Col29 'CRCBarNow' 
    Row14.Col02 'SNRText'
    Row14.Col18 'CRCText'
    Row16.Col02 'OnBar1' 
    Row16.Col03 'OnBar2'
    Row16.Col04 'OnBar3'
    Row16.Col05 'OnBar4'
    Row16.Col06 'OnBar5'
    Row16.Col07 'OnBar6'
    Row16.Col08 'OnBar7'
#    Row16.Col08 'OnBar8'
#    Row16.Col08 'OnBar9'
#    Row16.Col08 'OnBar10'
#    Row16.Col08 'OnBar11'
    Row16.Col17 'VolBar11'
    Row16.Col18 'VolBar10'
    Row16.Col19 'VolBar9'
    Row16.Col20 'VolBar8'
    Row16.Col21 'VolBar7' 
    Row16.Col22 'VolBar6' 
    Row16.Col23 'VolBar5'
    Row16.Col24 'VolBar4'
    Row16.Col25 'VolBar3'
    Row16.Col26 'VolBar2'
    Row16.Col27 'VolBar1'
    Row16.Col28 'VolBarNow'
    Row19.Col29 'VolText1'
    Row20.Col21 'VolBarText'
    Row21.Col02 'OnText'
    Row23.Col02 'Uptime'
# leerzeile ganz unten

  Layer 2 {
     Row13.Col15 'SNRBarTextUnten'

Layout 'mylayout'


Für die Onlinezeit-Statistiken benötigt man außerdem noch hilfe via onlinechanged bzw /var/tmp/onlinechanged

 case "$1" in
 online )
     date +%s > /tmp/gone_online
  offline )
     ONLINE=$(cat /tmp/gone_online)
     OFFLINE=$(date +%s)
     echo $ONLINE $(($OFFLINE-$ONLINE)) >> /tmp/onlinezeiten

Dazu gibt es auch ein addon , näheres dazu ist hier zu finden

DPF Hack Display unter Windows flashen

hier eine Anleitung wie man das Ganze alternativ unter Windows machen kann. Selbst gebrickte DPFs kann man damit wieder zum Leben erwecken!

  • Was brauch ihr?

Ein Pearl-DPF, also das hier oder das hier. Sind beides die Gleichen. Vom 1. bekommt man nur eins pro Bestellung, vom 2. soviel man Geld hat. Ein gutes USB-Kabel. Nehmt NICHT das Billigst-Kabel das dem Display beiliegt. Für den Betrieb mag das zur Not noch reichen -- getestet mit Windows XP und Windows 7.

Los gehts:

  • Verbindet das Display NOCH NICHT mit dem Rechner!
  • Entpackt erstmal die
  • Wechselt in das Verzeichnis "Pearl_DPF_hackfin_firmware_bootflasher" und startet dort das Program ProgSPI.exe.
  • Geht zuerst auf "Settings" und überprüft, dass "Program" gewählt und "Reset" angekreuzt ist.
  • Jetzt auf "Browse" und die Firmware auswählen. Im Archiv sind drei Firmware-Dateien mit dabei:

"*Pearl DPF unmodified firmware.bin" - das ist die Original-Firmware des Pearl DPF. "*Pearl DPF hackfin landscape 0.12devel firmware.bin" - das ist die gehackte Firmware, Querformat-Anzeige. "*Pearl DPF hackfin portrait 0.12devel firmware.bin" - das ist die gehackte Firmware, Hochformat-Anzeige.

  • Für den Betrieb mit graphlcd empfehle ich die Landscape-Variante (Nummer 2).

ACHTUNG! Der Firmware ist nur für das oben angegebene Pearl-DPF geeignet! Alle anderen Displays verwandeln sich damit mit ziemlicher Sicherheit in Briefbeschwerer!

  • Display an USB anstecken.
  • DRÜCKT NICHT MENÜ! WÄHLT NICHT DEN MENÜPUNKT "Mit PC verbinden" (erster Menüpunkt)!
  • Jetzt kommt der Trick: drückt die RESET-Taste am Display (kleines Loch auf der Rückseite oben links, am besten ne Büroklammer rein bis es "klick" macht), haltet die Taste gedrückt und jetzt MENÜ dazu drücken, RESET loslassen, MENÜ loslassen.
  • Wenn die Reihenfolge gestimmt hat, sollte das Display jetzt schwarz sein und im Flasher wird das Kästchen hinter "Channel 1" grün.
  • Jetzt "Execute" drücken. Im Flash-Auswahlfenster wählt Ihr den ersten Punkt "Winbond 25P16".
  • Mit Doppelklick bestätigen jetzt bitte etwas Geduld - das Programmieren dauert jetzt ca. 2-3 Minütchen...
  • Danach macht das Display automatisch einen Reset und zeigt seine umwerfende Diashow.
  • Jetzt zur Sicherheit noch mal den RESET Knopf mit der Büroklammer bearbeiten.
  • Wenn Ihr eine der gehackten Firmwares programmiert habt, könnt Ihr jetzt für ca. 2 Sekunden die MENÜ-Taste drücken und es sollte der BSOH ("Blue Screen of Hack") erscheinen.


Liste geeigneter Displays

  • Beckmann+Egle MiniTerminals and CompactTerminals
  • BWCT USB-to-HD44780 interface
  • Crystalfontz serial and USB displays
  • Curses (Text) for testing and debugging
  • CwLinux character and graphical displays
  • 4D Systems Display Graphics Modules
  • DPF Digital Photo Frame
  • Electronic Assembly RS232 Graphic serial graphic units
  • EFN and EUG 100 EFN LED modules connected to an ethernet to serial converter
  • Allnet FW8888 Firewall Appliance
  • G-15 / Z-10 / Dell M1730 Logitech combined keyboard/LCD screen, speaker/LCD and Dell M1730 with Logitech gaming LCD
  • Hitachi HD44780 probably the most common LCD controller out there!
  • Image driver to get pictures out of LCD4Linux
  • IRLCD DIY HD44780 / IR receiver to USB 1.1 interface, with ATtiny2313 (based on AVRUSB AVRUSB homepage)
  • LCD2USB DIY HD44780 to USB interface LCD2USB homepage
  • LCD-Linux HD44780 kernel device driver
  • LCDTerm serial-to-HD44780 interface
  • LEDMatrix DIY ethernet LED matrix display LEDMATRIX homepage
  • LPH7508 display by Pollin
  • LUI LCD-USB-Interface by Wallbraun Electronics
  • LW_ABP Logic Way appliance control panel ABP08, ABP09 Logic Way GmbH
  • Mitsubishi M50530 similar to HD44780, but for larger displays
  • MatrixOrbital serial and USB displays
  • MatrixOrbitalGX GX Series USB LCD displays
  • Milford Instruments serial displays
  • Newhaven driver for various I2C and serial displays by Newhaven
  • Noritake driver for various displays by Noritake
  • Null driver for testing purposes
  • Palm Pilot emulating a MatrixOrbital display
  • Pertelian serial over usb LCD device Pertelian
  • PHAnderson serial-to-HD44780 controller PHAnderson homepage
  • picoLCD true USB hid LCD device with keypad, gpo and infrared receiver picoLCD homepage
  • RouterBoard driver to connect a HD44780 on their LCD header
  • SamsungSPF Samsung digital picture frames, models spf-75h, spf-85h, spf-107h
  • SimpleLCD Simple serial terminal display, supports an optional and limited vt-100 mode
  • Skyper display module of an NEC 21a pager
  • st2205 st2205 based displays, check the picframe project
  • SureElectronics LCD Display Board with USB (as part of MatrixOrbital driver)
  • Toshiba T6963 Controller for large graphical LCD's
  • TREFON USB LCD text and graphic displays
  • ULA 200 USB-to-HD44780 interface from ELV
  • USBHUB Driver for the port status indicator LEDs on an USB HUB
  • USBLCD USB-to-HD44780 interface
  • VNC driver VNC Server
  • WincorNixdorf BA63 & BA66 serial cashier displays
  • X11 driver simulating displays of any size
