Simple fbox recovery tool

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#! /usr/bin/perl
#   simple fbox recovery tool
#   Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Enrik Berkhan <[email protected]>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
use Getopt::Std;
use Errno qw(EEXIST);
use Net::FTP;
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_END SEEK_SET);

my $do_crc = 1;
  eval { require Compress::Zlib };
  if ($@) {
    eval { require String::CRC32 };
    if ($@) {
      print STDERR "No crc32() implementation available!\nInstall Compress::Zlib or String::CRC32 if you want CRC support.\n";
      $do_crc = 0;
    } else {
      import String::CRC32 qw(crc32);
  } else {
    import Compress::Zlib qw(crc32);

use warnings;

$| = 1;

my %opt;
getopts('hrf:i:l:s:u', \%opt);

if ($opt{h}) {
  print "usage: recover -h\n";
  print "       recover [-l IPADDR] [-i IPADDR] [-f firmeware.image] [-r]\n";
  print "       recover [-l IPADDR] [-i IPADDR] -s image\n";
  print "       recover [-l IPADDR] [-i IPADDR] -u\n";
  print "       -i IPADDR: set boot time IP to IPADDR within environment\n";
  print "       -l IPADDR: choose local addr (for multihomed)\n";
  print "       -f image:  extract fs and kernel from tarfile and flash\n";
  print "       -s image:  boot (standalone) image directly from RAM\n";
  print "       -r:        reboot fbox\n";
  print "       -u:        update box with filesystem.img, kernel.img from cwd\n";

my $ipaddr;
my $setip;
if ($opt{i}) {
  $setip = unpack("N", inet_aton($opt{i}));
} else {
  $setip = 0;

$opt{l} = "" unless defined $opt{l};
my $probe = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp',
                                  Broadcast => 1,
                                  LocalAddr => $opt{l},
                                  LocalPort => 5035) or die "socket: $!";
my $sel = IO::Select->new($probe);
my $packet = pack("vCCVNV", 0, 18, 1, 1, 0, 0);
my $broadcast = sockaddr_in(5035, INADDR_BROADCAST);

$probe->send($packet, 0, $broadcast);

print "Looking for Fritz!Box ";
@boxes = ();
$scanning = 10;
print "o";
while($scanning) {
  my $reply;
  my @ready;

  if (@ready = $sel->can_read(0.2)) {
    $peer = $probe->recv($reply, 16);
    next if (length($reply) < 16);
    my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in($peer);
    my ($major, $minor1, $minor2, $code, $addr2) = unpack("vCCVV", $reply);
    $addr2 = pack("N", $addr2);
    if ($code == 2) {
      print "O";
      push @boxes, [$major, $minor1, $minor2, $addr, $addr2];
      $scanning = 2 if ($scanning > 2);
  } else {
    if (scalar @boxes == 0) {
      $probe->send($packet, 0, $broadcast);
      print "o";
    } else {
      print ".";

if (scalar @boxes == 0) {
  print " none found, giving up.\n";
  exit 1;
} else {
  print " found!\n";

foreach $box (@boxes) {
  my ($major, $minor1, $minor2, $addr, $addr2) = @$box;
  printf "ADAM2 version $major.$minor1.$minor2 at %s (%s)\n",
         inet_ntoa($addr), inet_ntoa($addr2);

if (scalar @boxes > 1) {
  print "more than one boxes: no work\n";
  exit 1;

$ipaddr = (@{$boxes[0]})[4];
if (!$ipaddr && !$setip) {
  print "box has no ip, giving up\n";
  exit 1;

if ($setip) {
  if ($setip != unpack('N', $ipaddr)) {
    print "setting ip address\n";
    my $setpacket = pack("vCCVNV", 0, 18, 1, 1, $setip, 0);
    $probe->send($setpacket, 0, $broadcast);
    goto scan_again;
  } else {
    print "ip already ok\n";

  package ADAM2FTP;
  use base qw(Net::FTP);
  # ADAM2 requires upper case commands, some brain dead firewall doesn't ;-)
  sub _USER { shift->command("USER",@_)->response() }
  sub _PASV { shift->command("P\@SW")->response() == Net::FTP::CMD_OK }
  sub _GETENV {
    my $ftp = shift;
    my ($ok, $name, $value);

    while(length($ok = $ftp->response()) < 1) {
      my $line = $ftp->getline();
      unless (defined($value)) {
        ($name, $value) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2);
    $ftp->debug_print(0, "getenv: $value\n")
      if $ftp->debug();
    return $value;
  sub getenv {
    my $ftp = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    return $ftp->_GETENV($name);
  sub _REBOOT { shift->command("REBOOT")->response() == Net::FTP::CMD_OK }
  sub reboot {
    my $ftp = shift;
  sub check {
    my $ftp = shift;
    delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'};
    delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'};

    my $data = $ftp->_data_cmd('CHECK' ,@_) or return undef;
    my $sum;
    if (${${*$ftp}{'net_cmd_resp'}}[0] =~ /^Flash check 0x([0-9A-F]{8})/) {
      $sum = hex($1);
    return $sum;

# passive mode geht mit Net::FTP nicht, connected zu spaet fuer ADAM2!
$ftp = ADAM2FTP->new(inet_ntoa($ipaddr), Passive => 0, Debug => 0, Timeout => 600)
  or die "can't FTP ADAM2";
$ftp->login("adam2", "adam2") or die "can't login adam2";
my $pid   = $ftp->getenv('ProductID');
my $hwrev = $ftp->getenv('HWRevision');
my $fwrev = $ftp->getenv('firmware_info');
my $ulrev = $ftp->getenv('urlader-version');

print "Product ID: $pid\n";
print "Hardware Revision: $hwrev\n";
print "Urlader  Revision: $ulrev\n";
print "Firmware Revision: $fwrev\n";

$ftp->hash(\*STDOUT, 64 * 1024);

$mtd0 = "filesystem.image";
$mtd1 = "kernel.image";

if ($opt{f}) {
  unless (-f $opt{f}) {
    die "$opt{f} not found\n";
  mkdir "recover.tmp";
  if ($! && $! != EEXIST) { die "recover.tmp: $!" };
  unless(substr($opt{f}, 0, 1) eq '/') {
    $opt{f} = "../$opt{f}";
  system("busybox tar xf $opt{f} -C recover.tmp ./var/tmp/kernel.image ./var/tmp/filesystem.image");
  if ($? >> 8) {
    die "busybox tar failed";
  } elsif ($? & 127) {
    die "busybox tar killed";
  chmod 0644, "recover.tmp/var/tmp/filesystem.image",

  $mtd0 = "recover.tmp/var/tmp/filesystem.image";
  $mtd1 = "recover.tmp/var/tmp/kernel.image";

if ($opt{f} || $opt{u}) {

  $ftp->quot("MEDIA", "FLSH");

if (-f $mtd0) {
  $sum = remove_cksum($mtd0, 0x300000);
  $opt{r} = 1;
  print "Flashing $mtd0 to mtd0 ...";
  $ftp->put($mtd0, "1 mtd0");
  if ($ftp->status() == $ftp->CMD_OK) {
    if (defined $sum) {
      my $flashsum = $ftp->check("1 mtd0");
      if (defined $flashsum && $sum eq $flashsum) {
        print "checksum ok!\n";
      } else {
        print "checksum bad!\n";
    print "success!\n";
  } else {
    print "FAILED: ", $ftp->code(), " ", $ftp->message(), "\n";
    $opt{r} = 0;

if (-f $mtd1) {
  $sum = remove_cksum($mtd1, 0xb0000);
  print "Flashing $mtd1 to mtd1 ...";
  $ftp->put($mtd1, "1 mtd1");
  if ($ftp->status() == $ftp->CMD_OK) {
    if (defined $sum) {
      my $flashsum = $ftp->check("1 mtd1");
      if (defined $flashsum && $sum eq $flashsum) {
        print "checksum ok!\n";
      } else {
        print "checksum bad!\n";
    print "success!\n";
  } else {
    print "FAILED: ", $ftp->code(), " ", $ftp->message(), "\n";
    $opt{r} = 0;

} elsif ($opt{s}) {
  print "Sending and booting $opt{s}...";
  $ftp->quot("MEDIA", "SDRAM");
  $ftp->put("$opt{s}", "1 mtd4");
  if ($ftp->status() == $ftp->CMD_OK) {
    print "success!\n";
  } else {
    print "FAILED: ", $ftp->code(), " ", $ftp->message(), "\n";
    $opt{r} = 0;

if ($opt{r}) {
  print "Rebooting...\n";
} else {

  if ($opt{f}) {

sub remove_cksum {
  my $name = shift;
  my $mtdsize = shift;
  open F, "+<$name" or die "open: $!";
  $size = (stat F)[7];
  die "stat: $!" unless defined($size);
  if ($size >= 8) {
    seek F, -8, SEEK_END or die "seek: $!";
    read F, $magic, 4;
    read F, $chksum, 4;
    if (unpack("V", $magic) == 0xC453DE23) {
      $size -= 8;
      truncate F, $size or die "truncate: $!";
      print "$name: removed checksum\n";
    } else {
      print "$name: no checksum\n";
    seek F, 0, SEEK_SET or die "seek: $!";
    $chksum = crc32(*F);
    $chksum = crc32("\xff" x ($mtdsize - $size), $chksum);
    printf "CRC32: %08X\n", $chksum;
    return $chksum;
  return undef;